حجز موعد

2 ش احمد المليحي, من ميدان فيني, الدقي, الجيزة, مصر

الخدمات الخدمات

الرئيسية | المقالات | دوالي الخصية

دوالي الخصية


Prof. Mona Shaaban is a distinguished expert in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, particularly in delayed pregnancy. She has conducted extensive scientific research on various gynecological, obstetric, delayed pregnancy, and infertility conditions. If you require general pregnancy follow-up or wish to undergo online consultation for Intrauterine Insemination (ICI), you can contact Dr. Mona. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Qasr Al-Ainy, Cairo University, and subsequently completed her postgraduate studies, earning a master's degree.
