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Released at:Oct, 12 2023Views: 764


Oct, 12 2023 Egg Freezing

In our modern age the opportunity to do oocyte freezing, egg freezing, oocyte cryopreservation or as

Oct, 12 2023 Endometriosis Treatment

Millions of women silently suffer! Endometriosis is a common condition that affects about 176 millio

Oct, 12 2023 Female Incontinence

Female Incontinence is a common and often embarrassing problem that women feel distrustful of themse

Oct, 12 2023 G-CSF

G-CSF is a new medical technology that Bedaya hospital has adopted lately for its beneficial role in

Oct, 12 2023 lymphocyte Immunotherapy

With the advancement of medicine in the current era, it has become easy to have children even with i

Oct, 12 2023 Recurrent Miscarriage

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If you or someone you know is affected by failing attempts of ICSI, this video serves as a beacon of hope, offering valuable insights and resources. Let's give some attention to this warrior lady called Gamila as she faces physical pain and mental\emotional stress during her many attempts through ICSI for 15 years. Mrs. Gamila and her husband Mr. Ashraf were guided by a friend to Bedaya Hospital where they finally had a successful ICSI. We hope that this video will not only educate but also foster a sense of community among those touched by unsuccessful ICSI before.
