Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have or maintain an erection for a duration of time that is long enough for sexual intercourse to take place in a satisfactory manner.
Erectile dysfunction is mostly caused by an impaired blood flow to the penis this could be because the arterial blood flow is somehow less as in cases of atherosclerosis or due to a vein that doesn’t allow an appropriate outflow of blood from the penis.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
One of the most common problems in men over 40 is erectile dysfunction (ED) which means the inability to reach or maintain an erection long enough to have satisfactory sex. If this problem persists for more than a month it is considered a medical condition and you should consult your doctor. Most men prefer experimenting with herbs and over the counter medication before visiting a doctor. When they are finally ready to see a doctor, a proper assessment is made, the first line of treatment is usually medication that improves the penile blood flow.
Erectile dysfunction treatment
There are many methods used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction for men, and the doctor chooses the optimal method of treatment according to the reached diagnosis;
Drug therapy
Depending on the reasons behind the erectile dysfunction medication in the form of oral pills can be prescribed. It is best to strictly follow your doctor’s advice.
Local injections
This form of therapy is called penile injection therapy it is usually directed at improving the penile blood flow to allow an erection. These injections can be administered at home, but it is best to let your physician do it the first couple of times and teach you.
Low intensity shockwave therapy
A small wand like device uses targeted shockwaves to stimulate penile tissue and improve blood flow.
Penile stent
Placing a penile stent is a radical, final and permanent solution that is resorted to when all other treatments failed to reach the desired results. There are two types of stents semirigid and inflatable ones. Your doctor will discuss what the expected results are, and which is more suitable for you. Penile stent surgery is simple, does not require hospitalization, is common and has been a form of treatment for nearly four decades. Placing a penile stent does not change any of the characteristics of the organ in terms of general form, sensation and pleasure.
How to cure erectile dysfunction naturally and permanently?
Some natural remedies and exercises have been linked to improving erectile dysfunction for centuries. Prevention is always better than finding a cure.
Foods for erectile dysfunction
A man should eat foods that help improve his erection;
1. flavonoid compounds
Exercising and consuming a flavonoid rich diet can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Flavonoid rich foods are fruits, vegetables, tea and wine in moderation.
2. Leafy vegetables
leafy vegetables, such as spinach, celery and beetroot, enhance blood circulation due to them having large amounts of nitrates that expand blood vessels and thus increase blood flow to the body and genitals.
3. Olive Oil
Olive Oil is rich in vitamin E which expands the blood vessels and improves blood flow.
4. Red grapefruit and tomatoes
Red grapefruit and tomatoes contain a lycopene compound that promotes circulation and thus improves erectile dysfunction.
5. Pomegranate
Pomegranate or Pomegranate juice improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction and helps the body stay healthy.
6. Fatty fish
Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids and promote nitric oxide production that improves symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
7. antioxidants
Eating foods rich in antioxidants help improve general health and blood flow having positive effects on erectile dysfunction.
8. Coffee
One study found a relationship between coffee consumption and erectile dysfunction improvement. People who consume two or three cups of coffee daily are less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction and doing exercise
Are there methods to prevent erectile dysfunction?
Regular exercise is one of the most important factors to improve general health and so preventing symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Exercising regularly stimulates the musculoskeletal system improving the blood circulation and decreasing atherosclerosis, positively affecting erectile dysfunction. It also improves the hormone balance which is linked to Body Mass Index (BMI).
Bedaya Hospital advices patients with Erectile Dysfunction to make some lifestyle changes and take steps to improve their general health if these do not give the desired results, we have a team of experts to find a suitable solution for every situation.