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How to increase sperm count by food ?

Released at:May 12, 2023Updated at: Jun 09, 2024Views: 2343

How to increase sperm count by food ?

Oligospermia or a low sperm count is one of the problems that could cause infertility. It is known that food has a direct impact on fertility, but it is strange that we always focus on its role for improving fertility in women and overlook its role in improving sperm quality in men! despite a series of recent studies showing the importance of food in improving sperm quality.


How to increase sperm count?

Bedaya Hospital offers some tips that can help to increase sperm count


Doing exercises

Regular exercise a balanced diet and weight loss especially for obese people has a positive effect on your general health and with it your sperm production.


Avoid stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety have a negative effect on the sperm production and quality its best to avoid stressful situations or situations that make you feel anxious. Regular exercise should improve these feelings.


Stay away from smoking

According to 20 different studies that followed 6000 participants smoking reduces sperm count.


Stay away from alcohol and drugs

Several studies and researchers have shown that excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects the sperm count so if you do enjoy a drink or a recreational drug every now and then do so in moderation!


Avoid industrial and environmental chemicals

Industrial and environmental chemicals can rapidly decrease your sperm count. If your line of work brings you in contact with these substances wear protective ger and talk to your doctor about their possible effect on your sperm count and how you can best avoid exposure or protect yourself.


Get enough sleep

Lack of or not getting enough sleep can reduce men's sperm count by about 30%. Most adults need about 8 hours of sleep. You can improve your sleeping habits by:

-Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, caffeine and nicotine containing substances as they can lead to sleeping disorders.

-Keep your room dark and quiet.

-Reduce nap time during the day.

-Exercise more as this can help you get tired during the night.


Semen analysis

Regular semen analysis when seeking fertility should be done to diagnose any problems and have a doctor treat them accordingly! Sometimes its as simple as making some lifestyle adjustments!


How to increase sperm count through food

how to increase sperm count by food

1- Get calcium and vitamin D

Vitamin D and calcium affect sperm quality, and some studies have shown that people with low vitamin D and calcium are more susceptible to have a low sperm count. This deficiency can be simply be treated by taking vitamin D and calcium supplements.


2- Eating foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants help remove and disrupt free radicals and other compounds that harm cells, many vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants, which help increase sperm count, including vitamin C and vitamin E.

Red grapes and tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin A and E and considerable increase sperm count when eaten regularly.


3- Increase good fat intake

Multiple trans fats or so-called healthy fats. These include Omega-3 Omega-6 and Omega 9. These 3 types of omega fats are essential for the healthy development of the sperm membrane. Some studies have shown that men who use these three basic omega fats daily in the recommended daily amounts have better a sperm count.


 4- Eat meals containing folic acid

Folic acid is important to produce healthy, sperms in men, there are many green leafy vegetables that are a rich and source of this acid.

Low levels of folic acid in the body increase the chance of producing weak sperms with abnormal forms unable to reach and fertilize the egg.


5- Eat foods rich in vitamins

Vitamin B6, which leads to increased sperm production in the testicles. Vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C are vitamins responsible for sperm quality.


6-olive oil

Regular consumption of olive oil reduces cholesterol levels, thereby stimulating the flow of oxygen to the testicles and allowing the formation of healthy sperm.


7- Dairy products

Dairy products such as low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt have shown to increase sperm count and progressive motility.

Treatment Plans
ICSI Treatment Plan


  • Preparing before the process
  • Ovum pick-up
  • ICSI process
  • Preparing before the transferring process
  • Embryo transferring
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