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IVF Cost In Egypt

Released at:May 12, 2023Updated at: Jun 09, 2024Views: 35300

IVF Cost In Egypt

IVF/ICSI costs in Egypt vary greatly between clinics. The costs of an IVF/ICSI procedure depend mainly on the clinics’ facilities, equipment, expertise, and offered procedures and sub procedures. Bedaya Hospital offers the best value for money! What ever the cause of your infertility our team will offer a solution!


IVF in Egypt

The rise in 1993 of IVF in Egypt, was revolutionary in the treatment of infertility and reproduction. Since then this small subspecialty has fully emerged as a specialty with many sub facets of its own! These developments have significantly increased fertility success rates up to 60% percent in recent years.


Bedaya Hospital’s approach to IVF treatment


Our steps

1) The couple visits a member of our team of doctors at Bedaya Hospital. This doctor takes a thorough medical history of both partners and asks for tests to determine the exact reason/reasons for infertility.

2) After the required investigations are done and the factors for infertility determined the couple if needed is referred to other specialists for a multidisciplinary approach to increase the couple’s chances for pregnancy. This could be an andrologist, geneticist, nutritionist etc.

3) Start of treatment and ovulation monitoring.

4) Egg retrieval under general anesthetic.

5) Embryo Transfer (ET) on the third to fifth day.

6) Pregnancy test 14 days after ET.


Factors that determine the variable costs in IVF treatments

Sometimes and especially with patients that have had many failed IVF attempts or have unexplained infertility, the IVF treatment is not as straightforward as collecting eggs and obtaining a semen sample.

  • Men with no, little or a high rate of abnormal sperms in semen might need to do a testicular biopsy which is a surgical procedure on its own and increases the IVF treatment costs.
  • The husband suffers from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) due to diabetes or high blood pressure this needs to be treated before undergoing an IVF cycle or a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or testicular biopsy could be done. Costs for any of these options of course add to the costs of IVF
  • Women who suffer from endometriosis, which causes major fertility problems and globally affects about 176 million women. These women might need treatment before starting like an operative laparoscopy or open surgery.
  • Patient has a hydrosalpinx; this is when there is a stenosis or blockage in the fallopian tube and a collection of fluid accumulates. If this fluid seeps through the tubal ostia to the uterine cavity it could harm possible implantation or embryo development. This condition needs intervention by hysteroscopy, laparoscopy before going through an IVF cycle to increase the chances for a positive outcome.
  • Extra medical examinations that increase the cost of IVF, this can be blood tests, genetic tests, imaging, immunological tests, etc.
  • Suspected intrauterine adhesions polyps or fibroids might require a hysteroscopy or open surgery prior to the IVF cycle
  • Sex Selection (gender selection); this requires an extra test to be performed on each embryo prior to transfer to determine the embryos’ sex. This comes with extra costs above those of the IVF procedure.
  • The medical team and hospital of choice are an important factor that determine the eventual costs of your IVF cycle. Experience, a multidisciplinary approach, embryology lab, equipment, facilities etc. Bedaya Hospital does not compromise the success of your IVF cycle and gives you the best quality of everything to increase your chances of realizing your dreams of having a family.
Treatment Plans
Testicular biopsy Treatment Plan


  • Preparing before the process
  • Ovum pick-up
  • Testicular biopsy
  • ICSI process
  • Preparing before the transferring process
  • ِAssisted Hatching
  • Embryo transferring


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IVF in Egypt

For her

This case is related to man infertility in which the lack of sperm or the small amount of it can cause infertility and pregnancy delays. This kind of issue is treated by testicular biopsy technique which is very effective. The Libyan citizen Abd El-Qader struggled with such an issue, but he and his 37 years old wife Nageih never gave up and decided after 5 years of no pregnancy to go for ICSI procedure at Bedaya hospital which was very successful.
