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7 reasons of delayed period except pregnancy

Released at:May 12, 2023Updated at: Jun 09, 2024Views: 1698

7 reasons of delayed period except pregnancy

The female cycle is defined as a cascade of physical changes in the Female body controlled by female hormones, causing regular bleeding “period” that usually occurs once a month, coming from the uterus and flowing through the vagina. The “menarche” or onset of this recurrent cycle can start anywhere between ages 9-16.


Reasons of a delayed period

A normal cycle brings a woman to bleed “have her period” every 21 to 35 days. If it is does not come for more than 35 days, the menstrual cycle is delayed.

Here are 7 reasons for a delayed period that do not include pregnancy;


1- Stress and Pressure

Extreme and prolonged physical or mental pressure and stress influence a woman’s hormone regulation center in the brain called the hypothalamus. This will show in mood swings, weight gain or loss and a delayed menses.


2- Thyroid problems

The thyroid produces hormones that regulate many body functions among them hormone and metabolism regulation. Having too many “hyperthyroidism” or too little “hypothyroidism” of these hormones in your bloodstream affect your entire body among it your menstrual cycle. It can delay periods but also make them more frequent and heavier. It is important to consult an internal medicine doctor if you suspect having thyroid problems


3- Low body mass (being underweight)

Food disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia are an important factor adding to irregular periods. If you weigh less than 10% of the ideal weight for your height irregularities in your hormones levels and production will occur leading to irregular or temporarily paused menstrual cycles due to anovulation. Consult a psychiatrist and/or nutritionist if you have an eating disorder.


4- Obesity

Excessive body weight “obesity” just like being underweight influences your hormones and can cause irregular or temporarily paused menstrual cycles. Bedaya Hospital encourages healthy diets, regular exercise and maybe an extra push from a health coach or nutritionist to help you reach your ideal weight and regulate your menstrual cycles.


5- The mini pill also known as progesterone only pills

These contraceptive pills contain only progesterone and may cause irregular periods, spotting between periods or no periods altogether while taking them. They stop ovulation from happening and with it the buildup of the endometrium lining. Its effects on your menstrual cycle usually disappear within days or weeks of stopping them.


6- Chronic diseases

Diabetes, digestive tract disorders etc. can cause irregularities in the cycle due to the bodies’ healing processes affecting hormones and with it the menstrual cycle. It is in a way putting stress on the body’s physiological and metabolic system.


7- Menopause

Most women start going through menopause between the ages of 45 to 55 however it could occur at any age during a female’s reproductive years and is then called premature ovarian failure or more commonly “early menopause”. Menopause occurs when the ovarian reserve decreases meaning the number of oocytes (eggs) in the ovary are getting less and ovulation does not occur as regularly causing irregular and delayed periods eventually stopping them altogether.


Irregular menstrual cycles and endometrial cancer

We previously mentioned factors that cause irregular menstrual cycles. The root of all these factors is that they all directly or indirectly influence hormone levels. Prolonged periods of hormonal imbalance decreasing the amount of menstrual cycles in a woman’s lifetime exposing her to higher levels of estrogen all add to increasing her risks to developing endometrial cancer.

Bedaya Hospital advices all their patients with any problems in hormone levels affecting their menstrual cycle to do regular checkups every year premenopausal and every 6 months during and after menopause.


What to do when your periods are late?

When there are irregularities or a delay in your monthly period Bedaya Hospital advises you to

  • Do a pregnancy test! It’s the most common and happy reason for period delay!
  • Lifestyle modification: Exercising, eating healthy non processed food with plenty of fiber, vitamins and nutrients maintains a good body weight and decreases hormonal imbalance due to weight issues both for being under-and overweight.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety
  • Treatment of health problems; Chronic diseases that affect your overall health indirectly lead to irregular menses. Bedaya Hospital advices you to always follow up on any chronic disease regularly with a specialist to minimize its effects on your body and menstrual cycle
  • Keep a menstrual or “period” calendar; the daily stresses and commitments of life can easily make you forget about when your last period was and if its regular. Keeping track of it in a calendar or app allows you to notice differentiations in your cycle so you can take steps accordingly.



Treatment Plans
ICSI Treatment Plan


  • Preparing before the process
  • Ovum pick-up
  • ICSI process
  • Preparing before the transferring process
  • Embryo transferring

The Sudanians couples Mohamed and his wife Makarim are 33 and 24 years old. They were trying to have a baby for 7 years, but there were no pregnancy results. They finally decided to come to Bedaya hospital and see a consultant doctor. Makarim was diagnosed with Fallopian tubes obstruction which was the reason behind all these years of pregnancy delay. Our doctors advised them to have ICSI fertility treatment which was so successful and led to twin pregnancy in 2011.
